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"Update Your Netflix Account So You Can Continue Enjoying Your Netflix Service" SMS Phishing Scam

Attention Netflix users, a fake SMS is currently being circulated urging you to "Update your Netflix Account so you can continue enjoying your Netflix service." The link in the SMS text message goes to a fake sign-in page almost identical to the real Netflix webpage. This is a scam specifically targeting Australian Netflix users, aiming to steal their Netflix credentials. It’s a reminder that phishing scams aren't just about stealing your bank account details and that you need to keep all your personal information safe and secure. If you receive the same SMS, delete it immediately.


Also, Netflix users should never click on a link to sign into their accounts. They should instead, go directly to and sign into their accounts from there. This is the most effective way of preventing Netflix phishing scams, that is, preventing cybercriminals from tricking Netflix users into visiting fake websites that steal account credentials.

The Fake Netflix Sign-In Page

Net flix users who have already fallen for the phishing scam, are asked to change their Netflix password immediately, and contact Netflix about the necessary steps they should take.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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