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Do Not Call 844-453-4040 - The Telephone Number is Being Used by Scammers

Scammers are calling and sending text messages to their potential victims from telephone number: 844-453-4040, in an attempt to trick them in disclosing their personal and financial information, and may subsequently ask them to send money for some bogus job service. The scammers will call their potential victims and ask if they are looking for a job. They will also sent text messages or SMS asking the recipients to call back the same number if they are interested in a job offer.


Therefore, recipients who have received text messages from 844-453-4040 are asked to delete and not follow the instructions in them. Also, recipients who have received calls from the same number are asked not to disclose their personal and financial information over the phone, or follow the caller’s instructions. Recipients of text messages or telephone calls are asked never to disclose sensitive information over the telephone, especially when they receive calls from unknown numbers.

Note: Scammers may call from the same telephone number offering difference services, not just job offers.

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