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Whatsapp "Display Picture" Message - It is a Fake or Prank

Whatsapp users, please do not share the message below, which claims that you should remove your display picture or photos because ISIS will use them and your telephone number maliciously. The message was not sent by Whatsapp's engineers or its CEO. It is actually a fake, created by pranksters to create public mischief. Recipients of the same message should delete it to help stop the spread of misinformation.


The Fake Whatsapp "Display Picture" Message


*Hi Friends*

*If you have put your own pic in ur display picture, then please remove it immediately. Because ISIS is trying to capture it and they have hackers who will use ur number in a wrong way. Those people are going to misuse your photo. Whatsapp CEO has requested all people to remove personal pics for the next 20-25 days. Whatsapp engineers are trying their best to keep ur app safe. Please co-operate. Please forward to your near and dear ones.*

Thank You.

A.K. Mittal(IPS) 9849436632b *_Commissioner Delhi._*

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