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Protect Your Credit or Debit Card with the Skimmer Scanner Android App

Fuel Pump or other skimmers can steal your credit or debit card information without you ever suspecting. So, to protect your credit or debit card, you may use an Android app called Skimmer Scanner that uses your phone's or mobile device's Bluetooth radio to detect a common radio component in modern card skimmers called "HC-05" and warn you if you're about to get scammed.


The Skimmer Scanner Android App

How to Use the Skimmer Scanner App

Before you use your credit or debit card at a gas station or somewhere else, open the Android app on your phone or mobile device and click the "Scan" button. The effective range of the Skimmer Scanner app varies by phone and by card skimmer. For best results, hold your phone or mobile device close to the gas pump, card reader, or Point of Sale machine.

If the app happens to detect a device, please report it to a manager or supervisor at the location where you are using your card.

Remember to please keep in mind that failure to detect an HC-05 based device does not guarantee there is no skimmer present. There's always a risk to sticking your card in a strange machine.

The Android app is available at the Google Play store for free. Click here to download and install it.


Using the Skimmer Scanner app may authenticate your Android device to illegally installed skimmers. Please check your local laws before installing this product. There is implicit risk associated with publicly reporting crimes. Consider these risks before using the app.

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