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"Attorney of America Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit"

Online users who have received so-called "Attorney of Advance America" emails like the one below, which claim that they have been given a chance to settle an Advance Cash Corp(ACE) debt outside of court, should delete the email messages and not follow the instructions in them. This is because the email messages are fraudulent, and are being sent by scammers to trick the recipients into sending them money believing that they will be sued for money owed and their credit history tarnished.


The "Attorney of Advance America" Scam


Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 12:39 PM


Hereby we inform that you are obliged to come as a defendant to District Court of Appeals on this Friday,11/17/17, at 11:00 a.m. for the hearing of your case of defaulting on a LOAN, CASE #MA0092917.

Cost of the Lawsuit-$3590.00

Legal Charges-Section 19(A), Clause 21(US).

Case Format- Fair Debt Collection(FC/SC)

If necessary you have a right to obtain a lawyer for your protection. You are kindly asked to have an identity document with you. Personal appearance is compulsory. Please bring all documents and witnesses relating to this case with you to Court on your hearing date.

Case information and courthouse address will be sent to your mailing address within next three business days.

Note: If you do not attend the hearing the judge may hear the case in your absence.

To resolve this issue contact us during the working hours Monday to Friday 09:00 AM to 07:00 PM on a reply back to this E-mail to get in touch with the representative or you can feel free to call us on 421 387 4144.


Mark Smith


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