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"Your Computer has been Locked" is a Fake Virus Message Created by Cybercriminals

Online users who have received the "Your Computer has been Locked" pop-up messages like the one below, which claim their computers have been infected by a virus and ask them to call a technical support number to prevent further damage to their computers or networks, are asked not to follow the instructions in the same messages. This is because the pop-up messages are fakes. The fake messages are created by cybercriminals to trick their potential victims into believing their computers are infected with a virus, which they are not. Then, the cybercriminals trick potential victims into calling a fake technical support number operated by them.


If the potential victims should call the fake technical support number, the cybercriminals will trick them into disclosing their personal information, credit card information, online account credentials and other sensitive information that they need to scam the same potential victims.

A Sample of "Your Computer has been Locked" Fake Virus Message

Your computer has been Locked

Your computer with IP address - has been infected by the Virus RDN/YahLover.worm!055BCCAC9FEC — Because System Activation KEY has expired & Your information )for example, passwords, messages, and credit cards) have been stolen. Call the Technical Support number +1-844-556-7757 to protect your files and identity from further damage.

Call Technical Support Immediately at 1-844-556-7757

The following data will be compromised if you continue:

1. Passwords

2. Browser History

3. Credit Card Information

The virus is well known for complete identity and credit card theft. Further action through this computer or any computer in the network will reveal private information and involve serious risks.


Windows firewall has detected some suspicious activity from your IP address: and network connection has been blocked temporarily. To get it unlocked you need to call on Microsoft technical support desk. Microsoft Safety & Security Center: 1-866-245-4827 Ring now to get it fixed toll free: 1-866-245-4827 Do not restart the device, this may cause serious damage to the system and network address. Don’t worry, Microsoft brings this free for you. Please do not shut down or restart your computer, doing that may lead to data loss and failure of operating system, hence non bootable situation resulting complete data loss. Contact administrator department to resolve the issue on toll free: 1-866-245-4827 Official us local Microsoft Support - 1-866-245-4827

Below is a list of fake technical support numbers the fake "Your Computer has been Locked" pop-up message will ask potential victims to call. Please do not attempt to call the numbers because they are fakes and are being operated by cybercriminals.

Fake Technical Support Numbers

Online users who have received the fake message pop-up messages that block out everything on their computers preventing them from closing them, may do the following to close the fake messages:

For Microsoft Windows computer users:

  1. Hold on Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys on your keyboard and then click Task Manager.
  2. Under the "Processes" tab active of the Task Manager window, highlight any processes related to your browser and hit the "End Task" button at the bottom of the Task Manager window.

For Apple Mac computer users:

  1. Hold on the Command, Option, Esc keys on to open the "Force Quit Applications" window.
  2. Select the name of the browser you are using and hit the "Force Quit" button.

Also, for online users using Microsoft Windows who may have downloaded some malware or adware on their computers that may continue to display the annoying pop-up message, it is recommended that they click here to use a malware or adware removal software to scan and remove malware or adware from their computers.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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