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"Steve McKay Bitcoin Millionaire Club" Scam

There is no "Steve McKay BitCoin Flipping Software" or a Steve McKay Bitcoin Millionaire Club. The website, which claims that Steve McKay, an ex-software developer from an unknown firm, created a Bitcoin Flipping Software that has earned more than $18 million dollars in profit within the past 6 months, is a fake being operated by an online scammer. There is no such bitcoin options software. If you search the internet, you will not find a Steve McKay BitCoin Code Trading Software on any reputable website, except on some deceptive websites created by scammers to convince their potential victims into signing up for binary options trading accounts with a broker and depositing a minimum of $250 into the accounts.


Therefore, online users are asked not to register or invest in the bogus "The Steve McKay Bitcoin Millionaire Club."

The "The Steve McKay Bitcoin Millionaire Club" Scam at

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