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Do Not Call 1-844-855-8321 - It is a Fake Technical Support Number

Do not call the telephone number: 1-844-855-8321, because scammers are using it to collect their potential victims’ information. They are using malicious advertisements and websites to display fake messages to online users while they browse the Internet. The fake messages claim that online users' computers have been infected with a virus or malware. This is done to frighten online users into calling the bogus technical support number thinking they will receive help. But, once they call the fake technical support telephone number (1-844-855-8321), a person or an automated Interactive Voice Response system will request their personal information, financial information, or online account credentials (usernames and passwords). If the requested information is entered or submitted, it will be sent to cybercriminals, who will use it to rip-off their potential victims.


Online users who have received pop-up messages claiming that their computers are infected with a virus,malware, or their computers have been taken over by hackers, should just close their web browsers. They should never attempt to call the fraudulent technical support number in the messages.

Victims of this technical support scam, who have already called and submitted their financial and account information, should contact their banks and change their online account passwords immediately.

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