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Tangerine Bank Account Verification Email Messages are Phishing Scams

Tangerine Bank's customers who have gotten email messages like the one below are asked to delete them and not follow the instructions in them. This is because the email messages are phishing scams being sent by cybercriminals. The scams trick recipients into clicking on the link within the email messages, thinking they are verifying their online account information for some so-called database and system security upgrade.


The Phishing Tangerine Bank Email Message

Subject: 748661 Tangerine Limited Usage
Dear Tangerine valued customer,
Sent to you on: May 17,2017

Due to maintainance services on our databases, we require our customers to verify their online accounts.
We have upgraded our services to provide a higher layer of security to our clients.

To verify your online account click on the following link to access the validation form:

Click here to login to your account

This update is intended for the purpose of protection our customer accounts. Failure in account verification will result
in limiting your online access and suspending all activity.
Tangerine is a trade mark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence.
Thank you,
[Name Removed],
IT Security.

Tangerine Bank's customers who have already been tricked by the phishing email messages are asked to contact Tangerine Bank immediately before their money is stolen and their accounts used fraudulently by cybercriminals.

To protect against phishing scams, Tangerine Bank customers should always go directly to and sign into their accounts, instead of clicking on a link in an email messages. Once they have signed in, they will be notified of upgrades, updates or other activies if there are any.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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