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337-435-2103 - It is Being Used by Scammers

Recipients of messages or phone calls from telephone 337-435-2103 requesting personal information or money are asked to delete the messages and not follow the instructions in them. Also, they should not follow instructions from callers from the same number who request personal information or money. This is because 337-435-2103 is being used by cyber criminals to scam potential victims. The criminals disguised themselves as agents from legitimate companies or as friends in order to trick potential victims into following their instructions.


Below is the story of someone who almost got tricked by the scammers:

Guy going by agent John Mack texted from telephone number: 337-435-2103. He was using my friend's name and had me believing I was chatting with my friend. Very convincing... Too bad I gave my address and phone number in Messenger. Anyway, was doing good until he wanted me to pay to get paid. So I explained I live paycheck to paycheck, but perhaps would be able to do it next week. Enough time to report this scam to you asap. Thank you, Kimberly.

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