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The "Arabo Grant Nomination Year End" Lottery Scam

The "Arabo Grant Nomination Year End" email message below is a lottery scam. The fake email message was created by lottery scammers to trick the recipients into sending their personal information and money, by claiming that they are winners of a so-called Google Anniversary promotion or sweepstakes. But, there is no Google lottery or sweepstakes, and Google will never ask you to send your personal information via an email message.


This type of lottery scam will ask you to send your personal information and subsequently ask you to send money in order to receive your prize. But, please do not respond to the email message or follow the instructions in it. Google is not taking part in or endorsing any lottery games, so if you receive an email claiming that you have won some lottery prize endorsed by Google, it is a scam.

The "Arabo Grant Nomination Year End" Lottery Scam

From: Notification By Google

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 4:49 PM

Subject: Your Arabo Grant Nomination Year End! GIVES BACK


We wish to congratulate you on this note for being selected as a major customer this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of Google search engine and the Google ancillary services and confirmed by our co-sponsors Visa*/MasterCard* International. Google earns its profit mainly from advertising using their own Gmail & other e-mail services, Google Maps, Google Apps, Orkut social networking, You Tube video sharing, Google search engine and Google ancillary services which are all offered to the public for free.

Hence we do believe with your grant, you will continue to be active and patroni. engine. Google is now the biggest search engine Worldwide and in an effort to remains the most widely used search engine, we ran an online e-mail beta test w address won Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds. We v inform you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligal validations and satisfactory report Test conducted to all on-line winners. A bank Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds will be issued in your na Foundation Board (UK).

ze Google search make sure that it hich your email wish to formally ions, verification, . draft of Nine me by Google

Furthermore your details (e-mail address) falls within our U.K representative office as indicated in our database and your grant will be released to you from our U.K regional office in London United Kingdom..


Name: Mr Hector Smith Google Board (UK) Email: Do e-mail the Board office at once with the Verification and Funds release form below for validation of your grant. You are also advised to contact our Google Payment Coordinator (via the above email) with the following details below to avoid unnecessary delay and complications.

MANDATORY VERIFICATION AND FUNDS RELEASE FORM Residential Address: Tel (Mobile): - Nationality/Country: -

Full Name: Age: E-mail Address: -Occupation:

Sincerely, Mr. Sundar Pichai

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer ©2018 Google Corporation Powered by Google All right reserved. This email was sent from a notification email address. The information in this email is confidential and legally privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). Please consider the environment.

There is no prize, so please do not send your hard earned money to the cybercriminals behind the lottery scam. If you send your personal information, these cybercriminals will use it to further scam you.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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