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The "Bank of America Account Locked" Phishing Scam

Bak of America customers are asked to beware of the "Bank of America Account Locked" phishing scam. The phishing scam, which claims the recipients' online accounts have been locked, is being sent by scammers or cybercriminals to trick their potential victims into disclosing their Bank of America's account credentials, and their personal and financial information. The scammers send a fake email to their potential victims and ask them to click on the link in order to verify their information, but the link goes to a phishing website, a fake website disguised as Bank of America's legitimate website located at


A Sample of the "Bank of America Account Locked" Phishing Scam

From: Bank 0F America -

Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 9:53 AM

Subject: Re:Your account status change

Dear Client,

For your safety, We have locked your online banking account due to some illegal activity.

We were certain that someone else was trying to log in to your account using your account

details from unknown location.

Below are the steps to verify and unlock your account:

- Login to your account using this web link :

Use your User ID to access the veri?cation page

Fill the verification page with your exact information

Follow these steps above and you will have your online account restored again

Thank you


Once scammers or cybercrimes have gotten their potential victims' Bank of America information, they will use it to steal their money and use their accounts to commit fraud. Remember, always go directly to and sign into your account from there. If there is something that you need to do to your account, you will be notified after signing in.

Bank of America customers who were tricked by the phishing scam are asked to contact Bank of America for help. Let them know that you were ticked by cyber criminals into submitting your account information on a phishing website.

And, always call the Bank of America using the following number or the number on the back of your credit or debit card or click here to use the "Contact us" page on their website.

If you have received fake Bank of America messages, please post them in the comment section below to help inform others.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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