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Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup Malicious Online Streaming Websites

The 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia is here and online users are frantically searching the internet for streaming websites, where they can watch the football or soccer games. Now, cyber-criminals are taking advantage of this by luring persons to malicious or phishing websites by claiming that they can watch the games on them.


Why Cyber-criminals Lure Persons to Streaming Malicious Websites?

If you are taken to websites which claim that you can watch the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches and ask to complete surveys, download software, share or "like" the websites, in order to watch the game, please leave the same websites and do not follow any instructions on them.

This is how cyber-criminals infect your computer with viruses, Trojan horse, spyware, and other malware. And, the cybercriminals may trick you into making money for them when you complete the surveys or just visit the websites to view the advertisements on them.

The cyber-criminals may also trick online users into visiting phishing websites where they will be asked to sign-in. But, any attempts to sign-in will result in the online users' credentials being sent to the cybercriminals. Once the cybercriminals receive the stolen credentials, they will gain access to the online users' online accounts and use them fraudulently.

It is important that you remember that you do not need to install any software, take surveys, share or like a website in order to view a video or stream content. If you are asked to do these things, some cyber-criminal on the internet is attempting to scam you or to trick you into installing malicious software.

Remember, cyber-criminals will continue to trick internet users into installing malicious software or stealing their information by luring them to malicious websites and claiming that they watch live streaming of the 2018 FIFA World Cup games for free. So, online users, be aware and do not be a happy clicker that quickly clicks, installs applications or software, or visits phishing and fraudulent websites without thinking.

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