Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public. - it is an Untrustworthy Technical Support Website

I was scammed a couple weeks ago from ''. My home computer locked up and a message flashed on the screen telling me to call the Microsoft help team at 1-866-988-6796 to resolve the issue. I was in a hurry and my gut feeling didn't prevent me from moving forward. It cost me $350. I now know that there are fraudulent technical support websites like that display fake popup messages that block you out of your computer or mobile device, and then ask you to call a fake technical support website to fix a problem that doesn't exist.

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Microsoft doesn't display messages asking you to call a third party technical support company when an error occurs. And, you should take extreme precautions when giving someone remote access to your computer. If that person is unscrupulous, they can install spyware and other malware on your computer or mobile device, which they can use to steal your personal, financial or other sensitive information silently.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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