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Prank - "Do Not Accept a Friendship Request from Fabrizio Brambilla" is a Hoax

The social media post below, which claims that social media users should not accept a friend request from Fabrizio Brambilla or his contacts, is another hoax created by pranksters. The hoax or prank claims that Fabrizio Brambilla is a hacker who can hack your computer if one of your contacts accepts a friend request from him. The hoax also claims that social media users should share the hoax with their friends in order to educate them about the dangers of accepting a friend request from Fabrizio Brambilla.


The "Do Not Accept a Friendship Request from Fabrizio Brambilla" Hoax or Prank

Please tell all the contacts in your Messenger list, not to accept Fabrizio Brambilla friendship request. He is a hacker and has the system connected to your Facebook account. If one of your contacts accepts it, you will also be hacked, so make sure that all your friends know it. Thanks. Forwarded as received.

But obviously, the person who started the hoax does not know much about computer hacking, anything about computer hacking, did this for the fun of it, or to scare people and create public panic. Currently, it is virtually impossible to hack someone's computer, mobile device, Facebook or other social media accounts by accepting a friend request. Therefore, do not share, "like", comment on the hoax, and if it is posted on your Facebook Wall or Timeline, remove or delete it to help stop it from spreading to other users.

If for some reason there is someone on your Facebook Friends List and you want to remove that person, you may click on the person's name, which will take you to his/her Facebook profile. Once you on the person's Facebook profile page, you may hover over "Friends" at the bottom of the profile photo, and click "Unfriend" from the menu list that will appear.

Here are some simple ways your computer or social media account can be hacked:

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