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Venmo Text Scams Targeting Users

If you use the app VENMO, be aware there is a scam going around. You will receive a text message telling you your Venmo account is about to be charged and if you want to cancel the withdrawal, you need to log on and decline it. The message allows you to log on with any phone number and password (the password I use was wrong, but I had me continue on). It then asks you to verify who you are by entering your bank card number and other personal and financial info.


The scam uses the same colors and fonts as the Venmo App. Do not use the pages provided by the text to enter into your account. Go to your Venmo app or their website at

If you did enter the information contact your bank or credit card company.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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