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Huntington Bank Text Scams Being Sent by Cybercriminals

If you have received a text message from the Huntington Security Department indicating that you should call or text regarding your Huntington card, please disregard this text. Huntington Bank will never contact you for personal information such as account number or social security number.


Some of the scam text messages are being sent to cell phones via a email address that states:

"SECURITY DEPARTMENT ALERT PLEASE CONTACT HUNTINGTON (BANK AT different numbers entered here depending on where text originates)"

Other text messages ask recipients to follow prompts and even enter a social security number for faster service. But,

delete the text messages and do not call number.

Huntington said consumers should never click on links in text or email messages. Banks, credit card issuers, investment firms and other financial companies will never initiate contact and ask you to provide personal information such as your account number, account password, date of birth, Social Security number or other facts.

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