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Is Spolum Drums at Trustworthy Online Store?

I would like as well to report I have contributed to their product fundraising on Indiegogo crowdfunding just to have a half faulty product delivered after almost 3 years since the campaign started. They didn't ever send me the whole package I paid for and not even the product I've asked, yet a faulty product that was probably left out so they had to get rid of it. I have tried to reach to them via mail and Facebook just to find myself blocked.


Apparently the only feedback they can't cancel are on their Indiegogo campaign page and people are addressing the same issues as me. Can you recommend me another website where I can report them so other people make a conscious choice?

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


Information about spolum Drums at

ViS Post Express s.r.o.

Rybná 716/24, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha 1,

Czech Republic.



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