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Jayco Greyhawk Scam: RV Giveaway on Facebook

The Jayco Greyhawk Facebook post below is a scam circulating on Facebook. The post is a "like and share" farming scam with the sole purpose of collecting personal information, and possibly the information of the people you are friends with. Therefore, Facebook users who have received the fake Free RV Giveaway post asking them to share or comment on it in order to receive a free RV, are asked to delete it and should not share, comment on, or "like" it.


The Jayco Greyhawk Scam

jayco greyhawk scam

Jayco Greyhawk

tSpfofni5s5ocmred ·

# Congratulations to those of you who have received comments from me, you have a chance to win them.

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(this is authentic and official) God bless you

If you see a Jayco RV giveaway on social media, always go to their Facebook page to verify.

Here are a few of the things these Facebook giveway scam are designed to do:

How do these “like and share” scams work?

Scams like the RV giveaway operate on a principle known as “like farming.” The name of the like-farming game is “engagement” and the more engagement a post gets in the form of likes and shares, the more Facebook’s algorithm pushes it to newsfeeds. The more people who see such a post, the more likely they will engage with it.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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