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Playstation 5 Text Scam Giveaway

The text below, which claims the Playstation 5/PS5 has just dropped and the recipients are chosen  winners, is a scam. Therefore, recipients are asked not click the link in the fake text or follow the instructions in it.


The Playstation 5 Text Scam

"The PlayStation 5 Just Dropped: You're Chosen As Today's Winner! Claim it By Tonight: link"

The link in the fake text goes to phishing or fraudulent websites. These websites steal visitors' personal and financial information by tricking them into believing they can pre-order the PlayStation 5 by making a prepayment or by leaving personal information. Some websites even offered purchasing the console at a lower price than the official retail cost.

There are also fake websites that claim to have a “special sale price” available for PlayStation 4 attributing the discount to the release of the new PS5 as part of the scam.

Online shoppers, if something on the internet looks too good to be true, then it is probably a scam. Messages about sales and pre-orders should be checked on reliable sources and we advise against clicking on links from suspicious text or emails.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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