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HSBC New Payee Scam Text Fake Message

HSBC customers are to beware of fake texts that claim a "New Payee" was set up on their accounts. The fake texts are being sent by online scammers and NOT by HSBC. The fake texts claim that recipients should click the link in it if they did not initiate the "New Payee" set up. But, the link goes to a fake HSBC website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.


If you were tricked by the fake texts, please contact HSBC immediately for help.

The numbers below are the only ones that HSBC's fraud team will ever ask you to call. Any other number you're asked to call:

HSBC could also contact you because you might be due a payment. This could be by letter, text message or a phone call.

If you're unsure of a number you've been asked to call or suspicious of a text message, please contact the number on the back of your debit or credit card instead

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