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Fake WHO Help Us Donate via Bitcoin Email

The fake WHO email below is a scam being used to trick recipients into sending money to online scammers. The fake email, being sent by cybercriminals, claims that Tedros Adhanom of the World Health Organization is asking for donations via BTC (Bitcoin) to help find the cure or vaccine for coronavirus (CONVID-19). But, this is a lie. The Bitcoin account does not belong to WHO. The account actually belongs to cybercriminals who are attempting to trick potential victims into sending them money.


The Fake WHO Help Us Donate via Bitcoin Email

From: WHO

Subject: Help US


Hello, here who is speaking is the director general of the WHO Tedros Adhanom, I will be very brief in this communication to you, my dear friend we are facing a new epidemic called koronavirus, and we are producing more than 30 vaccines around the world to find the most soon the cure or vaccine, the more you should already be aware, but what I come here to ask is that you can donate in BTC to help in our research that make your donation below and help us to increase the chances of helping in the production of more research as quickly as possible to end this situation.

Please Donate To Bitcoin Address:


Beware of criminals pretending to be WHO. Criminals are disguising themselves as WHO to steal money or sensitive information. If you are contacted by a person or organization that appears to be from WHO, verify their authenticity before responding.

The World Health Organization will:

Beware that criminals use email, websites, phone calls, text messages, and even fax messages for their scams.

You can verify if communication is legit by contacting WHO directly.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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