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Obama Vacation Scam Fake News

President Donald Trump did not send Barack and Michelle Obama a $214 million bill "to repay the government for all of those vacations that weren’t official state business" while they were the president and first lady. The entire story was fabricated and originated from a satirical website called "The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense."


The fake-news has resurfaced and is now spreading on social media like wildfire. Here is the fake social media post.

"Trump Just Ended Obama's Vacation Scam" Fake News

"TRUMP JUST ENDED OBAMA’S VACATION SCAM! Before Obama left office, he arranged with the State Department for a series of ‘official visits’ to foreign countries spanning the next 20 years. Using discretionary funds from the Office of Presidential Visits and Vacations, Obama was planning to weasel what would have been another $2.1 billion in free vacations for him and up to 24 members of his family plus staff and even a dog sitter until the year 2036"

Here is the satirical article it was taken from:


The article has since been removed.

"The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense" website has the following disclaimer, which proves their articles are satirical or fake news.

"All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real."

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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