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Quizzes that Trick Victims into Disclosing Answers to Security Questions

There are hundreds of fraudulent quiz websites created by cybercriminals that trick potential victims into disclosing personal information that can be used to answer security questions linked to their online accounts. This is why online users should be careful about the information they are giving out in some quizzes. Some quizzes may be fun, but the questions asked by them can also be used against them. This is because the information collected can be used to create a profile of them, which can reveal the answers to their security questions for their online accounts, if the information falls into the wrong hands.


A Suspicious Quiz Website

Do your friends know You? Let's create your quiz! Share it with your friends; See their results & discover your real best friends ...

The quizzes ask for your geographic location, the language you speak, date of birth, and a lot of personal questions that are asked to create your security questions when you are setting up online accounts. And, without realizing it, you are giving out the answers to your online account security questions and other information hackers can use in an attempt to gain access to your online accounts.

Hackers create online quizzes and make them fun to attract potential victims. Once the hackers have collected their potential victims' information, they will create a profile of them and use the information they have collected to attempt to hack into their accounts. Therefore, if you have given out the answers to your security questions via quizzes, it is recommended that you change your security questions.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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