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Is a Scam? The Illinois Healthcare Professional Emergency Volunteer Program Alert

The emergency alert from below it is not a scam or hoax. A mass text alert was sent out by the Illinois Healthcare Professional Emergency Volunteer Program, a state-run emergency response organization. Their alert system was activated to help with the current coronavirus situation and for future emergencies. The alert stated that Illinois is in need of licensed healthcare workers to fight COVID-19 and ask volunteers to go


The IllinoisHelps Net Emergency Alert

Emergency alert: Severe

State needs licensed healthcare workers to sign-up at to fight COVID-19

More information from

"Welcome to Illinois Helps!

COVID-19 Call for Support

In the COVID-19 event, Illinois is looking for medically trained individuals to join the fight. Individuals that register here may be potentially contacted to work in a hospital surge or alternative housing setting. If you are not a medical professional, you can find other volunteer opportunities at

Please read the FAQs to better understand what may be needed in the COVID-19 response. These FAQs will be updated regularly


By registering with Illinois Helps, an Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP), you can be part of an alert system and respond if available, when activated, to a significant disaster or public health emergency.

Once you have registered to become a volunteer, your professional credentials will be verified and this information will become part of the statewide secure database.

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Illinois Helps may only be activated by the Director, Illinois Department of Public Health or the Commissioner, Chicago Department of Public Health or their designees in the event of an emergency."

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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