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Wildlife Mission Scam: Beware

FRAUD ALERT! Sea Turtle Conservancy have reported having issues with a certain company called Wildlife Mission located at, claiming they have a partnership with STC when they DO NOT. Please do not purchase anything from Wildlife Mission. Their ads are all over Facebook and STC has been getting contacted about them repeatedly because people are not receiving their merchandise or aren't able to "track a turtle" as Wildlife Mission claims.


Sea Turtle Conservancy would appreciate if you visit their Facebook page and report them so they can try to get their page removed:

When shopping to support sea turtles, check out the list on Sea Turtle Conservancy website of companies they receive donations from. Some smaller companies may send Sea Turtle Conservancy a one-time donation for a particular time period and those companies are not listed here. Sea Turtle Conservancy try to keep this list updated as they form new partnerships but feel free to contact them if you ever have any questions!

About Wildlife Mission

Wildlife Mission

1 (800) 426-9015

3101 N. Central Avenue, Suite 183 #287, Phoenix, AZ, 85012 USA.

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