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Itsme Text Message Scam: Is the App Trustworthy?

I have been repeatedly getting texts from an anonymous phone number saying that someone is talking about me and they're sending video proof. I normally ignore this but they used informal language and called me by my obscure nickname that only my friends use. So, I decided to try the app.


The Itsme Text Message

Yo [Obscure Nickname], someone is spilling secrets about you on this app wtf. I'll send you a video link of it:

the link was

I downloaded the Itsme app, but as soon as I did, I got a text from a random number saying my name and that some one was talking about me on this app, with a link. No more than a minute later, I hear my sister upstairs saying to her friend, “Don’t you hate those texts that are like ‘Yo (her name) someone’s talking about you on this app’”. It was the exact same text I had gotten. I can only assume that everyone in my contacts got a text, which is an invasion of privacy and a bad way to get people to know about this app.

When you let them have your contacts, they take all of the information in your contacts and message every single one with the same text that me and my sister got. DONT LET THEM ACCESS YOUR CONTACTS. They are stealing information from your phone to try and publicize their app!

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