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Is My2020Census.Gov a Scam Or is it Legit? is a legitimate government website. If you go to the website you will be asked to go to, which is a legit U.S. Census Bureau website. At the website, you can find information about completing your 2020 Census Form. It important that you go to the legitimate census website because the United States Census, which only happens every 10 years, is a big opportunity for scammers to steal personal and other sensitive information. Scammers will take advantage of this massive data gathering by attempting to trick people into sending them their personal and other sensitive information by creating fake censuses. Therefore, people are asked to be careful and are advised that the legitimate census will ask for details like your phone number, how many people are in your home, and whether you own or rent your home, and not banking or other sensitive information.


The 2020 Census will never ask for your Social Security number, bank account, credit card number, or donations. It will not ask about citizenship status. If someone comes to your door saying they're getting additional information for the census, ask to see their ID badge identifying them as a Census Bureau worker.

The My2020 Census Questions

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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