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Geek Squad Scam Calls: Beware

If you receive unsolicited or unexpected calls where the callers claim they are from Geek Squad and claim they need to access to your computer, hang up. Scammers are calling potential victims and are pretending to be from Geek Squad. The scammers' aim is to gain access to their potential victims' computers and steal their account credentials, financial and personal information by installing spyware and other malware.


If you have already been tricked, please change your passwords, scan your computer for malware, check and report any fraudulent activities to their bank.

Remember, Geek Squad will never reach out to you in a phone call, you must contact them first. And, Geek Squad will always ask you for your membership number before proceeding. But, if you are still unsure if the call is legitimate, hangup and call Geek Squad directly at 1-800-433-5778.

And, remember never to give out or "verify" personal information to anyone who calls you over the phone. This goes for social security numbers, banking numbers, credit card numbers and anything personal.

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