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Is Affglo a Scam? Harassing Calls From Them

Affinity Global is not a scam. Affinity Global or AffGlo is a third-party collection agency based in Canada. If AffGlo has contacted you about delinquent financial obligations, make sure you understand your rights before you take action. AffGlo has received consumer complaints alleging violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), such as communicating information about delinquent debts to unauthorized third parties and failing to provide written verification of debts.


Can AffGlo Sue Me or Garnish My Wages?

It is illegal for a debt collector to make empty threats to sue you or garnish your wages. It is also unlikely AffGlo would sue you for a debt you may not owe or they cannot validate. However, debt collection agencies are known to have summoned debtors to court and garnish wages after a default judgement. Contacting an attorney BEFORE this could possibly happen would be a smart move.

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