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4 Simple Rules to Protect Your Media Files From Intruders

Media files can refer to various items on your device, such as your pictures, videos, audio, music, and documents. Often, we store personal things, such as financial documents that have our credit card numbers or other documents that may show our social security. Some of the consequences that can result include your money being stolen and your credit being ruined. It's important to do everything you can to protect your media files by following basic data protection tips. Here are a few good rules that will help you keep your media files secure from intruders.


1. Use a firewall.

A firewall is a tool that helps to block dangerous programs, spyware, or viruses before they enter your system. The way that it works is it scans for attack vectors or malicious codes that are already identified as established threats. When something is flagged as a security risk, the firewall will prevent it from entering your network or reaching your computer. Firewalls can be placed in your computer as hardware or software. Hardware options are generally built into routers to intercept traffic that's moving between a user device and the broadband router. Software options are programs that will monitor all of the traffic going in and out of your computer. If you run a Windows operating system, you can access the built-in software firewall by opening your Control Panel and clicking the Windows Firewall pane.

2. Use passphrases.

One way you can make your password even stronger is by making it a passphrase. A passphrase can be a sentence or a series of random words. The more characters that you put in your passphrase, the stronger it will be. They can be easier for you to remember and type, and they can also be tough for any intruder to hack. A passphrase should also follow the standard guidelines for creating a strong password. Use upper and lower case letters and always use two special characters or numbers. An example of a passphrase that would be a strong one is "Iowa w1nters are always c0ld."

3. Transfer media files to DVDs.

With media files stored on your computer, there's always the potential for them to be accessed through remote hacking. You can eliminate hackers' chances of gaining access to your personal media files by having them transferred to physical media like DVDs. You can acquire a blank DVD and a DVD burning software to get the files onto the DVD, and then deleting them off your computer and any cloud storage. If the files are needed back on your computer at any point, you can do it through Freemake software. You can learn more about how it works through this Freemake tutorial.

4. Don't use the same password.

One statistic found that only 22% of people used different passwords for different accounts. Imagine if you had one key that could open every door of your house, the doors to your car, and the door to a safe that holds your valuables. That's essentially the same thing you're doing whenever you use the same password for all of your accounts. Once a hacker has discovered the correct password for one account, they'll likely try to see if they can use it to access any of your other accounts. If you used the same password for every account, a hacker would be able to steal all of your information and make life more difficult for you.

You can save yourself from stress by making sure to create different passwords for your accounts. That way, if one account with some of your media files is hacked, all of the other ones with media files can remain protected. If it seems challenging to remember different passwords for different accounts, you can use a password manager. All of your passwords can be saved to the password manager, and you just have to create one "master" password to access them whenever you're signing into a particular account. The password manager can also generate complex passwords for you, so you don't have to think of a new one every time you make a new account. Additionally, it's a good idea to make your password manager require two-factor authentication to access it.

Millions of accounts are hacked every day. Taking the necessary precautions to protect your media files can help prevent you from being one of them. Be sure to follow all of these tips, so you can keep your personal information as safe as possible.

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