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This Holiday Season Be Prepared for the Top 5 Travel-Related Emergencies

One of the things we all look forward to every holiday season is getting together with friends and family to celebrate Christmas and bring in the New Year with those we love. However, this often means traveling and no matter how well we plan, things can go wrong. This year, why not be aware of the top five travel-related emergencies so that you can be prepared in the event anything should happen while you are on the road and out of town?


1. Medical Emergencies

When you are away from home, getting the treatment that you need can be difficult. Before starting out on your trip, make a list of any illnesses you have and any conditions which could affect the kind of emergency treatment you are given. Keep a list of all medications you are taking along with a list of known conditions. Also have your doctor’s contact information listed where it will be found if you are incapacitated, such as in your wallet or purse.

2. Automobile Breakdown or Accidents

No matter how thoroughly you had your vehicle inspected prior to leaving, a mechanical breakdown or an accident can happen which might set you back financially while on the road. Unless you have credit cards or other ways to come up with cash beyond what you had planned on, always have an app on your phone where a family member or close friend can send you money that will be instantly available. One money transferring app available in 160 countries around the globe is the Ria Money Transfer app where you will have instant use of the funds being wired to you.

3. Lost Luggage

How many times have you or someone you know been waiting at the luggage turnstile at the airport only to see that your bags aren’t there? While it is rare, it always seems to happen at the worst times. This year, make sure you have everything labeled well with contact information included on the label. Also, if you will be staying any length of time for your holiday trip, you might want to send a box of clothes ahead of you via a different route. It’s always better to be over-prepared than to be caught unprepared.

4. Delays

No matter how you intend to travel, there is always a chance for delays. These are common in the winter months, especially on airlines, so perhaps you could keep a carryon bag with something to keep you occupied during an extended period on the ground. Books and laptops do the trick nicely, especially since most airports have wi-fi connectivity these days.

5. Emergencies Back Home

This is a difficult one to prepare for but there are times when something unforeseen happens back home. It could be a windstorm knocked a branch through a window or your dog doesn’t like the sitter. Always have someone you trust on the ready so that you can call them if needed to fill in until your return.

These are just the top five travel-related emergencies you may need to deal with. So, remember to take the time to be prepared in the event anything should happen while you are away.

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