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What Changes Will Recruitment Automation Cause?

Recruitment automation is being hailed as one of the most effective ways of eliminating manual work to improve the recruitment procedure; some of these so-called manual recruitment tasks include the need to acquire, pre-screen, engage, interview, and hire. The uses of AI-based applications have been growing in various types of industries. One of these industries is the recruitment sector, where the utilization of recruitment automation tools is being demanded.


It can be pretty challenging to fill the cutting edges if hiring managers do not adopt new recruitment automation tools. With the help of such automation tools, recruiters now have the opportunity to boost and quicken the hiring process than before. Additionally, these tools will also help you stay ahead of your competition. In this article, we will be discussing various changes that you can expect after using recruitment automation tools.

Importance Of Recruitment Automation Technology

As a recruiter, you will know that there are always various areas of recruitment that can be improved. With the help of recruitment tools, you will see some major improvements in the way you work. Some benefits of such automation tools include:


Automated recruitment tools provide more accurate data so that you can make better hiring decisions. Using these tools eliminates human errors, which can cause a massive amount of rework. Automated recruitment tools will streamline your work to minimize manual dependencies.


There are many manual and tedious tasks like filling out paperwork, etc. In such cases, automated recruitment tools can minimize such tasks with unmatched accuracy and time. You will have more time on your hands, which you can use on other priority tasks.


Recruitment automation tools will drastically reduce cost because menial tasks become automated and human errors are eliminated. With the right tools, you can automate the recruitment process to not have to spend money anywhere else. Most of these tools are available as a pay-as-you-use model, making them great choices for small and medium businesses.

What Changes Can You Expect With Recruitment Automation Tools?

Here are some changes that you can expect with recruitment automation tools:

Focus On The Front-End Of The Recruitment Process

AI has been used in various industries since the early 2018s, and it is safe to say that it will stay around for quite a long time. Using AI recruitment tools does not necessarily mean replacing human recruiters. Instead, these tools will help them engage with the candidates and also build brand reputation.

Automated recruitment tools can expedite the hiring process, thereby saving money and time. Additionally, human errors and emotions like prejudices and bias will be kept at bay to avoid foul plays.

More Focus On Digital Integrations And Videos

Candidates will always appreciate it if you walk them through your company's work culture. In such cases, videos can be very handy if you want to show the diverse work environment. Adding various other digital integrations can help the candidates know more about your company.

This is quite an important façade of the recruitment process because you and the candidate need to be on the same page. Things will only work out well if there are no discrepancies between the two concerned parties.

Cutting Down Massive Redundant Workload

With the help of automated recruitment tools, any amount of mundane workload can be discarded. Previously, the screening process could easily take up to 23 hours for a single hire. Additionally, roughly 70% of the resumes received for the position are under-qualified. With the help of the right automated recruitment tools, you can find the right candidates without having to spend your day going through irrelevant resumes.

For instance, the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) tools to shortlist candidates that will be a better fit for your company. Also, certain algorithms can be integrated into the AI to predict the candidates from the applicant pool that will be right for the job based on their historical data.

Using Recruitment Data For Better Outcome

If you use data with the right approach, you will see that talent management is quite a simple task. No matter how technically advanced we become, data will still hold the highest priority. You will find various types of HR automation tools; however, they will only be useful if they can make sensible use of the data. Data will provide quick access to the candidates' information to HR recruiters so that they can be fed to the recruitment automation tools and be used more effectively.

Use the right tool to provide historical and real-time trends on workforce flows and the hiring activities of your competition brands (such as SignalHire). You will also have access to the automated contact finder, where you will find a database of more than 600 million candidates, 200 industries, and 2 million companies worldwide. You can find such a tool as an extension as well—so you can simply use it in your browser. You need to know that it makes use of API to provide various features like business intelligence, collaborative tools, candidate search, etc.

Improving Candidate Experience

Even if you do not hire the candidate, the applicants should have a positive experience with your company's office. Of course, it is not easy for HR personnel to interact with thousands of job applicants and establish a good channel for communication. In such cases, using a chatbot can be a good way to maintain good relationships with potential hires.

A chatbot is a great alternative for all sorts of communication needs the applicant may have until the interview stage. If set up properly, these bots can easily answer all the candidates' queries regarding the application process and/or the job.

Better Quality Candidates

When it comes to hiring, the quality of the hire is always more important than the quantity. For instance, you can use the Applicant Tracking System tools to head back to candidates that have similar profiles for the job and have been rejected. This will lower the process of trying to find the right candidate with the right qualities.

For instance, SignalHire is highly advanced recruitment and HR platform that has been designed to streamline the hiring process. Apart from finding new talents, this is a game-changing tool that will provide recruitment agencies with all the information they require to win the clients' interest by providing them with updated data on staff in the required industry.

With the help of machine learning and AI (or with the help of a tool, like the one mentioned previously), you can easily find quality candidates since the AI will learn the factors that can differentiate between successful and unsuccessful candidates. The AI will keep tweaking the algorithms to ensure that you are provided with the list of only the best candidates.

Final Thoughts

When we talk about automation and AI, we tend to think about the dystopian world future and other similar scenarios. While the actual changes that will come with recruitment automation are less theatrical, they will be there. Hence, it is always better to embrace this change and accept it with an open mind. Automation in recruitment will ensure that menial and time-consuming tasks are cut down so that you can be more involved with other processes like strategizing, creativity, and leadership.

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