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5 Cybersecurity Tools Your Business Can Use

Business owners frequently have a lot on their plates. They might have to think about expanding into new territory, extensive marketing campaigns, and hiring new employees. They may also have loans or securing new investors to consider. If any of this describes you, you probably don't want to spend a great deal of time worrying about your company’s online activities as well. Maybe you have lots of remote workers, and you want to be certain that your software suite is secure, since, if it isn't, hackers or competitors might steal your proprietary secrets.

There are a few cybersecurity tools that you should always utilize that can help your business out tremendously. Let’s talk about some of them now.

A Firewall

If your competitors ever steal your proprietary information, then you might have to sue them. You don’t really want to spend a ton of time tied up in court, though, so it’s best to avoid ever getting into that situation.

A firewall can protect you from hackers and your competitors. Those companies and individuals who build firewalls set them up so that they can monitor both outgoing and incoming network traffic. They either allow or block network actions, usually based on deep packet inspection or advanced analysis.

A firewall is usually a company’s first defense line. You can also easily adopt and implement them, so there is no reason that your company shouldn’t have one.

Cloud-Based Security

Many companies are also getting away from physical servers now and setting up cloud-based models. If you have remote workers, this is what makes the most sense. They can log in and out whenever they have to, and they can access any required data without having to be in a physical location.

This saves your business money since you no longer have to rent or purchase brick-and-mortar offices. If you have an entirely cloud-based solution, you need no hardware, and you also have unlimited storage capacity. You and any of your employees can access any document or data that you need from anywhere and at any time.

Email Gateway Security Features

Your company will likely use lots of emails, both internally and externally. You might have an additional company-only messaging service, but few businesses forego email entirely.

Because of this, a hacker might try to use email to access your data or sensitive material. You can set up email gateway security features to stop that from happening.

Hackers might use things like embedded code within emails or malicious URLs. They might use phishing attacks or fraudulent emails that look completely legit. The best email gateway security programs can detect any of these threats, isolate them, and block them before you or your employees ever have a chance to interact with them.

Encryption Tools

You and your workers are also probably exchanging plenty of emails and other messages via your network. Your software suite is likely humming with activity both during workdays and possibly after hours as well.

You can set up encryption tools so that anyone who tries to intercept those messages will not be able to read what they steal. If they do happen to get their hands on your internal communications, they won’t be able to understand them, so they won’t know anything about your products, marketing strategies, etc.

Also, if you have encryption tools, your clients will know that they can communicate with you freely without having to worry about anyone intercepting and reading their private messages. This is how you get them to trust you.

Penetration Testing

Having a penetration testing company relationship is also a great idea. There are many penetration testing companies out there, and they all employ ethical hackers. These are hackers that have the same skills as unscrupulous individuals, but they use their skills for legitimate purposes.

The company can perform a mock hacker attack on your network, and they will test your whole software suite for vulnerabilities. They will probe your firewall, servers, email, access points, and so forth. If they find any place where a hacker can get in, they’ll let you know about it, and you can plug up those holes so that they won’t be a problem in the future.

As a business owner, you need to be sure to keep up with the latest and best cybersecurity tools. You can be positive that hackers and competitors will keep trying to steal your sensitive data and trade secrets, and you must prevent them from doing so.

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