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Legal Action Scam Calls - Robocalls Threatening Arrest

Government entities do not make robocalls threatening you with arrest or asking for immediate payment. If you answer a phone call and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, that’s a robocall, and it is probably a scam designed to get you to give your personal information or money. Do not call back and do not provide personal information over the phone unless you’ve initiated the call to a number you know is reliable.


Contact from the government gets your attention. Criminals know this and use the threat of government action to trick individuals in to taking action that results in theft. To get victims to call back or give out personal information, these scam messages say they have an “urgent” message about “important personal business” or “serious allegations” and that failure to respond may result in arrest or action taken against you.

How to Spot Legal Action Scam Calls

What To Do If You Received Scam Calls

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