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Digital Coronavirus Vaccine Passport NHS COVID Scam

The fake Digital Coronavirus Vaccine Passport email below, which appears to have been sent from the NHS, offering the chance to apply for a "Digital Coronavirus Passport", is actually a scam. In Scotland, if you’re traveling and require confirmation of your vaccine status, you can download a vaccination status letter from the NHS Inform patient portal or you can request it in the post from the helpline. You will not be invited to do so via email or any other method. More information can be found at


NHS Covid Passport Scam / NHS Passport Scam

Clicking on the “Get Digital Passport” link takes you to a convincing but fake NHS website that asks for personal and payment details. (For a “process fee”). But, your vaccination status is obtained FREE through the NHS App, NHS website or via phoning the NHS on 119

The fake email only refers to the NHS as opposed to NHS Scotland. It also refers to a "coronavirus digital passport" but in Scotland, you apply for a "vaccination status letter".

The process is different in England and Wales but neither refer to a "coronavirus digital passport". It’s usually called a "COVID passport" or a "vaccination certificate".

The fake email is a phishing email, designed to harvest personal information that can be used to scam you down the line. This why you should not click on links in unsolicited messages, no matter how legitimate they look. And, if in doubt, contact the company/organisation directly on independently sourced contact details.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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