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NHS PCR Test Scam at .uk

Scammers are sending NHS PCR Test scam text messages like the one below to potential victims. The scam text asks recipients to click a link in it that goes to a fake NSH website. The fake website appears to steal personal and financial information.


The NHS PCR Test Scam Text Message

NHS: You have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19. You must order a PCR Testing Kit here: hxxps:// (Even if you're vaccinated).

The NHS PCR Test scam has been sent by from the following telephone numbers:

If you have received the 07956539060 NHS PCR Test scam text, please report it to your carrier, share it in a comment with the telephonen number it came from below to help others, then delete it.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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