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Hereyougo Instagram Scam Message

I got a message today from a friend with a link that says "This took two hours to make. I hope you really like it." At first, I found it sketchy, because the link wasn't to youtube or any other video platform. It was "hereyougo" and some numbers after it. Also, the embed was to Instagram itself. However, the biggest red flag for me was that it said that my friend was active yesterday, but the message was sent today.


I asked another friend of mine if I should press it but she told me to send it to her so she could check it out for herself, so I sent the link to her. It asked for her to log in (BIG FLAG.) She soon discovered that a bot had hacked my friend's Instagram account and sent all his friends the link, including me. My friend just changed her password so that the bot won't be able to access her account. Please warn anyone you know on Instagram about this!!

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