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Europol Scam Call Impersonating the Law Enforcement Agency

Cybercriminals or scammers have launched a vishing attack that impersonates Europol, the law enforcement agency of the European Union (EU). Using advanced techniques, cybercriminals disguise their phone numbers to display as an official Europol number on your caller ID.


Voice phishing, or “vishing”, is a phishing attack conducted by phone. Vishing is a classic tactic that cybercriminals continue to use today.

How the Europol Scam Call Works

The call starts as an automated message, stating that your personal data has been compromised and to press the 1 key to continue. If you press 1, you’re greeted by a real person who sounds polite and professional. The caller offers to help, as long as you give them information such as your name, address, and identification number. Any information you provide will be delivered straight to the cybercriminals.

Follow these tips to stay safe from similar scams:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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