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AT&T Malware Text Scam Message From 332-217-9958

Scammers are sending AT&T Malware text scam messages from 332-217-9958 and other telephone numbers, claiming recipients have malware on their phones. The scam texts ask recipients to click a link in it in order to remove the so-called malware. But, clicking the link will take potential victims to a fake and phishing AT&T website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.


Therefore, recipients of text messages which appear to be from AT&T, claiming there is malware on their phone and give them a link to click, should not follow the instructions in them.

If you have received an AT&T Malware text scam, please post it in a comment below to help inform others. After posting the scam text, you may report it to AT&T and then delete it.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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