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Cybersecurity For Smaller Businesses

With remote working becoming popular across the world due to conditions created by the pandemic, cybersecurity risks for both big and small businesses have increased significantly. This expert team put together the following cybersecurity tips for small businesses.

1. Layered Security

You need to limit access to some of the most sensitive data in your organization by implementing layered security for your devices. In fact, you can limit access to certain types of information - including the most sensitive - by adding layered protection like additional passwords, encryption, XDR and more.

2. Train Your Employees

Even if your company has a dedicated technical team in place, your employees can still be liable for inadvertently causing breaches or being targeted by cyber-attacks - unless they are sufficiently trained. You should make sure that all staff knows how to use resources belonging to the company. In fact, you should have penalties in place for those who don't follow protocols.

3. Implement Good Password Practices

Most people get lazy when it comes to passwords. But when it concerns your business, you should maintain good password practices with passwords having at least 12 characters with a mix of letters, numbers, capitals, and symbols. Make sure you and your employees change passwords at least once in three months at the minimum.

4. Limit Access

Whether you trust your staff or not, you should limit access to secure data to those who only require it for their job role. That's not because your employees will steal such information, but less trained employees can increase the risk of sensitive data being a target of hackers.

5. Update Software Systems

This is one of the most important aspects of cybersecurity. But many employers forget the importance of updating their software systems regularly. In fact, software updates may contain bug fixes and patches - which is essential to keep you and your small business safe.

Don't forget to back up everything so that you have the necessary information in case of a breach. In fact, you can schedule the updates automatically to save you from forgetting.

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