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Geek Squad Billing Scam Subscription Renewal Invoice - 808-468-1820

The Geek Squad billing scam below, which claims recipients' Geek Squad subscription will renew, is being sent by scammers attempting to frighten and trick potential victims into calling them at 808-468-1820, a fake PayPal customer support telephone number. Therefore, recipients of the fake email invoice are asked not to follow the instructions in it. They should just delete it. Those who have been tricked into disclosing financial information by the PayPal Geek Squad scam, are asked to contact their bank for help.


The Geek Squad Billing Scam

Your Subscription with GEEK SQUAD will Renew Today and $419.00 is about to be Debited from your account by Today. The Debited Amount will be reflected within the next 24.

In case of any further clarifications or block the auto-renewal service please reach out Customer Help Center +1 (808) 468-1820

Customer ID 87589475847865

Invoice Number ERFDT4554FDF

Quantity (One Year Subscription)

Subtotal $419.00

sales Tax $0.00

Total $419.00

If you didn't authorize this Charge, you have 24 Hrs. To cancel & get an instant refund

of your annual subscription, please contact our customer care: +1 (808) 468-1820

You're receiving this mail as you’ve registered on the Best Buy App & subscribed to

our communication updates.

Digitally Yours ,

Customer support : +1(808)468-1820

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