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Is a Scam or Legit Cryptocurrency Platform?

Bayex located at is another untrustworthy cryptocurrency exchange platform that claims it is the safest in the world, even though their domain name was registered for the first time only 19 days ago. I could not find a physical address or telephone number on their website, so it is hard to tell who is operating the platform and from where.


Before investing in any crypto exchange platform, do a thorough check of the company's history. Ask for a physical address so you can visit the company's address. If you are not in the same location, you can ask a friend.

Remember, reputable exchanges should have an extensive social media presence, website, and verifiable employees. They should also have an established history among researchers and the cryptocurrency community. Research before creating an account, and check to see whether other users or established researchers in the cryptocurrency field can confirm its legitimacy.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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