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Is Slide Jewels a Scam or is it Legitimate?

I do not recommend that anyone subscribe to receive the ‘free’ jewellery every month from because of my experience. They stated that I would pay £6 a month (which I was happy to do so) to receive jewellery from the member ship dashboard of my choice. They took £72 out of my bank, and they to order the jewellery I have to pay an extra £6 for each item. The jewelery on the dashboard never changed for 4 months , it was the same 2 bracelets.


I have been sending them emails for 4 months and haven’t had any response. I have also messaged them on instagram and TikTok, but still nothing. I went onto my account to see if anything had been added to the membership dashboard, and they’ve not CANCELLED my subscription but I wasn’t aware of this and they haven’t refunded me.

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