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Fake FLV Player at Has Potentially Unwanted Programs

The website has a fake FLV Player software that contains Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs). Potentially Unwanted Programs are applications that contain adware, toolbar or web browser hijacker. These programs tend to be difficult to remove after they have been installed on your computer.


The Fake FLV Player

The download proccess will start in a few seconds FLV Player

The fake FLV Player installation file “FLVPlayerSetup-as1YTdB.exe“was scanned at and the following threats were detected:

The Facebook “Likes” on the web page is a fake.

If you have already installed this software, please use the programs below to remove the unwanted programs installed by this software.

After downloading these programs, ensure that you close all web browsers. Run the "Avast Browser Cleanup" program first, and then the "AdwCleaner" program.

You will be asked to reboot your computer, please do so, in order to completely remove the unwanted programs from your computer.

If you are asked to download software from this website, please do not. The website cannot be trusted.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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