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"Miranda Fugate aka Shovel Girl Who Was Hit In The Head With A Shovel Dies"

The hoax below, which claims that Miranda Fugate a.k.a 'Shovel Girl' has died from serious head injuries from the hit she received to the head with a shovel, is another reason why you should always use popular and reputable news websites as your source of information. 'Shovel Girl' is NOT dead and is alive and well.


The Miranda Fugate aka 'Shovel Girl' Hoax or Fake News By

Miranda, 16, Who Was Hit In The Head With A Shovel, Dies

OHIO - Miranda Fugate died of serious head injuries after being hit with a shovel in the head by an old friend of hers named Emily Powers. The whole thing was caught on video and posted all over the internet and generated around 500,000 video views in just 2 days.

Miranda Fugate was given the name 'Shovel Girl' because she was hit on the head with a shovel by another girl who she had a fight with. The fight was recorded and posted online, and went viral in a few hours, spreading like wildfire on the internet.

Although she was hit hard on the head with the shovel, and further hit her head on the pavement, she is still alive and well.

The fake news or hoax was reported by the website The website is a fake or satirical news website. This means that everything on it is fiction, fake news, and any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental.

Even their disclaimer states that the website’s content is fake or fiction. So, any article or news reported by it should not be taken seriously.

Whenever something dramatic or depressing like the death of someone is posted on social networking or other satire news websites please verify it with a reputable news website before posting, sharing, commenting or liking.

Many persons are taking the fake articles posted by the satirical website as authentic news.

For more information about the fake news website, please click here.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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