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Fake and Spam Advertisement - "Your Android Has (5) Virus!"

The advertisement: "Your Android Has (5) Virus!" is a fake. If you are browsing the internet on your Android device or using an app and the message pops up, please do not follow the instructions. This is because the message will always popup claiming that your Android device is infected with a virus even when it is not. This advertisement is considered spam and there is no virus or other malware threats on your device or computer.


But, the people behind the fake advertisement may alter it to trick their potential victims into clicking on it, which will take them to a fake and malicious antivirus website. On the fake website, the potential victims will be asked to download fake anti-virus or anti-malware, which will infect their devices or computers with a virus or Trojan horse.

A Fake Virus Message via an Advertisement

(3) Virus Detected
Scan and Remove Virus Now

Remember, your web browser cannot detect a Trojan horse or other malware on your mobile device or computer, only anti-virus, anti-malware or anti-spyware software can do so. So, if a message pops up in your web browser or an app that you are using, claiming that a virus, Trojan horse or any other malware was discovered on your mobile device or computer, please ignore it.

To check for viruses or malware on your mobile device or computer, always ensure that you have antivirus software installed. If you do not have antivirus software on your Android device, you can install a free or commercial one from the Google Play store.

The fake and spam advertisement is similar to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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