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"Get Paid To Drive Concept Satya Juice" Auto Car Wrapping Advertising Scam

The "Get Paid To Drive Concept Satya Juice" auto car wrap or autowrapping advertising below is a scam. The scam claims that vehicle owners with a driver's license can be paid $500 or more weekly via check (cheque) to have their vehicle wrapped with an advertisement. The scammers behind this fraudulent scheme or scam will send you fake checks, ask you to take your share of the money and wire the rest to a graphic designer or give it to someone else. But, the checks are fakes and will bounce. The wired money will actually go to the scammers behind this fraudulent scheme. You will then be left to pay back the bank the wired amount and other charges associated with the processing of the check. Whenever you receive offers that are too good to be true, please do your research before participating, even if the offers seem legitimate.


Recipients of the following "Get Paid To Drive Concept Satya Juice" email message or something similar are asked to delete it and should not follow the instructions in it.

The "Get Paid To Drive Concept Satya Juice" Auto Car Wrapping Advertising Scam

James Fox -

Date: Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 1:18 PM

Subject: Re: Get Paid To Drive Concept Satya Juice(R) [#77]

Thank you for your swift response and your willingness to work with us, to this effect you are advise to check your email regularly to get update as to know when your upfront payment will arrive.

All materials to wrap the decal on your vehicle will be ordered by the graphic artists company, you will receive $400.00 as your up-front payment along with the graphic artist payment. The rest of the funds should be transferred to the Graphic artist head office that will wrap the decal on your vehicle to get the materials ready.

Satya Juice Co. will take full responsibility of placing and removal of the decal on your Bike/Car/Truck/Boat and it will not cause any damage on it.

Note: Please, Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this message so that we can proceed by issuing the upfront payment which is the rental fee for letting our company to use your Bike/Car/Truck/Boat exterior surface for the advert of the Satya Juice Co®.

A simple reply to my e-mail is greatly appreciated so that I'll know it was received.

Thank You!

Best regards.

James Fox

Hiring Manager

For:Satya Juice Co.


©Satya Juice Co. 2018

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