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Spam Applications - "Who Removed Me - / See Who Deleted You FaceTracker"

If you are asked to install the "Who Removed Me", "See Who Deleted You on Facebook", FaceTracker or "FB-Plus Addon" application, please do not. This application is a scam designed to send spam to your Facebook friends by sending them fake pictures, and redirecting or taking them to Facebook and survey scamming websites.


The "Who Removed Me" or FaceTracker Application and Website

This fake application will post fake images of persons, who it claims have removed you from their Facebook accounts, to all of you Facebook friends.

The Fake "Who Removed Me" Facebook Image Post

If you go to the website or click on the spam message, you will be taken to the fake website, which will redirect or take you to the fake website or survey scamming website

How To Remove The "Who Removed Me" or "See Who Deleted You on Facebook" Application or Extension From the Web Browser Google Chrome

If you have already installed this application, please click here for instructions on how to remove it if you are using Google Chrome, and delete the Chrome extension with the following names:

Delete any application or extension that you uncertain of, do not know anything about, or not using. Google Chrome extensions use up a lot of resources, and deleting the unwanted and the ones that you are not using will help speed up your browsing experience.

Please avoid installing this application, and if it posted to your Facebook Wall or Timeline, please inform the friends that the post came that they need to remove this spam application from their web browsers.

The fake application or extension is similar to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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