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"Man Makes $6,200/Month From Home And You Won't Believe How She Does It!" Scam

The website: "," which goes by the name "Smarter Ways to Live," "How To Make Money From Home" or "Career News," is a fake. The fake website, which claims it is a work-from-home program, is being used by scammers or cyber-criminals to trick their potential victims into signing up for Walter Green’s Millionaire Blueprint deceptive scheme. The fake website, which also claims that a "Man/Woman Makes $6,200/Month From Home And You Won't Believe How She Does It" and uses the name Selena Williams, claiming she makes thousands of dollars per month, is just another deceptive method used by scammers to trick people into signing up for Walter Green's Millionaire Blueprint deceptive scheme.


For information about Walter Green's Millionaire Blueprint deceptive scheme, please click here.

The Fake Work-From-Home Website

EXPOSED: Man/Woman Makes $6,200/Month From Home And You Won't Believe How She Does It!

Ever Considered Working From Home?

Selena Williams from never thought that she would work online, until curiosity got the best of her and she filled out a simple online form. Before she knew it, she discovered her secret to beating the recession, and being able to provide for her family while at home with her three children.

Scammers have already started sending out emails (spam) containing links to "," in an attempt to trick them into registering with the fake website. They have included a fake video and testimonies on the website. They have also included fake proof of earnings to make the scam more convincing to their potential victims. So, if you are asked to register with fake website, please do not.

There are hundreds of other similar fake websites, all the scammers did were to change the names and some of the contents. Therefore, look out for similar websites with different names and content.

This work-from-home scam is similar to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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